
The Ringmaster Server workspace

The Ringmaster server workspace (the workspace) is a web browser based interface to the Ringmaster framework. You perform tasks in the Ringmaster server interface in several sub regions. The use of HTML frames is very useful for dividing up these regions. While a fully non-framed mode is available for those who prefer, the frames based mode is what is described here.

The workspace is divided into three panes. On the left is the file view, on the top right is the command pane, and on the bottom right is the work/action pane.

In the file view pane you have a listing of files or objects in the Ringmaster project. This view is similar to a file browser of an operating system (Windows Explorer or Macintosh Finder). You can toggle between an outline view, or directory view for any given folder. Each object in the website is listed with its name and an icon representing its type. Clicking on an object will bring up the options available for that object in the command pain. The commands available depend on the permissions you were given for that object.

The following are possible commands:

Edit properties

Through this option you can editany number of properties for a given object, choose the property set you want to edit from the popup and then edit properties in the lower right frame. Detailed documentation of the property sets is available in XXX.

Edit Content

Allows you to edit the content of the item. If the content is text oriented, and not too large - you may edit it directly in the browser. For other types of information you can download the file. In each case the RingMaster server will arbitrate the custody of a given item for a specified time.

If you are editing within the browser the due date is displayed above the edit window. You can choose to submit your changes, request a renewal (which will save your changes as you go) or simply check in the item unchanged which will let the system know that you are finished with it and allow others to work with it.

If you check out a file, use the same edit content command to check back in the file. If the site has few users and you have made revisions to a local copy, you may replace the project copy with your file without having to checkout the item (provided nobody else currently has it checked out). Object activity

Version Control

The Version Control system in RingMaster lets you put individual items into automated version control. This lets you keep a certain number of past versions of an item as backup and restore a previous version if unwanted changes are made. For more information see Version Control.

Touch Add





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