

Install the suite

Creating a new site

Choose "New Site" from the RingMaster menu and enter a name for the site

After clicking OK, a site outline opens up.

This is the site outline that represents the organization of the website as it will exist on the file system of the server.

Add your content to the new website

There are a number of ways to add content to your ite outline. If you already have a premade site, that you wish to use as a starting point, you can import a site.

Importing material is covered in a different section. Here we will discuss how to build a site from scratch.

You can build a site several ways depending on how you work. If you have an idea of the organization of the site in advance, you can type in this organization freeform into the outline. For each file in your website, choose initialize item from the ringmaster menu. You only initialize non folder objects. Once an outline item is initialized, an type specific menu will appear containing options for that object type. You need to be running a web browser to use the interface for property editing.

Building your site

The Site Outline view is the view in which you locally build

Three views of your site


There are three views in RingMaster of your site.

You can edit or release objects from any of the three views.

Site Outline

This is the outline that manages your site. Here you add or delete files for the website. It is here where you rename files It is this outline that determines property inheritence

Site Structure

This outline contains the logical navigation structure for your site. This view may or may not look like the Site Outline view - thats up to you. In this view you determine the relationships that can then be used in the prev/next and other link macros, as well as the site outline macro.

Site Asset View

This view shows you your site broken down into item type

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