A Travel Journal for New Orleans: Monday, October 27, 1997

Boat and WTC (20K) After sleeping off the previous night, I decided to get up and at least stop by the convention center. I walked along the river which seemed very quiet on a Sunday, the weather had changed dramatically, from hot and humid to cool and breezy - very fall like.

The convention was fully the zoo that I was expecting, I did run into some people I know from times both present and past and saw a couple presentations. Also a moment of humor when one of these people who was wandering around in a daze like everyone else, walked smack into the middle of a large plate glass wall between two sections of the hallway - bounced him back quite a bit, but didn't seem too badly hurt, just humiliated.

Posters (39K) Exhibitors (44K)

I walked back along Decatur - grabbed some lunch and then checked out a place that I heard rented bikes. My feet hurt, and I wanted to get out to some places away from the quarter.

I picked up The Bike and did a little cruising around the quarter - as others came back we started to watch the last game of the world series - and then more late night partying.

St Louis Cathedral (24K)

Green Balconies (32K)

W on Dauphine (19K)

For those who wonder why I haven't snapped any pictures of these late night travels, its because I feel more free walking around with just some cash and my Hotel pass key - I don't even bring my wallet, a camera would just be something I'd have to keep track of.

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©1997 Preston Holmes